Guidelines for Abstract Submission



The 15th Malaysian Hospice Council Congress 2024 will be accepting abstracts for poster and/or oral presentations.

The closing date for submission is on or before 14th May 2024.

Term and conditions:

  1. All abstracts must be prepared and presented in the English Language.
  2. The maximum length for the abstract title is 20 words.
  3. The maximum length for the abstract body is 400 words.
  4. Please indicate three keywords (MeSH terms where available)
  5. All presenting authors must be registered as delegates at the Congress.

(Conference registration, accommodation and travelling expenses will not be covered)

  1. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent via e-mail by the Secretariat.
  2. All abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentations will be published in the Congress e-abstract book.

Please send your abstracts to:

MHC2024 Congress Secretariat
Name: Madam Michelle Phang

Email : [email protected]


Prizes will be awarded for the best submissions in both categories as indicated below.
The Judges decision will be final. Appeals will not be considered.

Prizes for Winner 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Oral Presentation RM 600.00 RM 400.00 RM 300.00
Poster Presentation RM 500.00 RM 300.00 RM 200.00

For more information, please visit: